Type alias CreateThreadInput

CreateThreadInput: {
    assignedTo?: InputMaybe<CreateThreadAssignedToInput>;
    attachmentIds?: InputMaybe<Scalars["ID"][]>;
    components: ComponentInput[];
    customerIdentifier: CustomerIdentifierInput;
    description?: InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>;
    externalId?: InputMaybe<Scalars["ID"]>;
    labelTypeIds?: InputMaybe<Scalars["ID"][]>;
    priority?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Int"]>;
    title: Scalars["String"];

Type declaration

  • Optional assignedTo?: InputMaybe<CreateThreadAssignedToInput>

    User or machine user this thread should be assigned to.

  • Optional attachmentIds?: InputMaybe<Scalars["ID"][]>

    An array of attachments for the first timeline entry in the thread.

  • components: ComponentInput[]

    The components used to create the first timeline entry in the thread.

  • customerIdentifier: CustomerIdentifierInput

    The identifier of the customer being either the existing customer ID, the customer's email address or and external ID.

  • Optional description?: InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The optional description for this thread. This is used to display a preview of the thread in the UI. If not provided, we will automatically infer it from the components you provided.

  • Optional externalId?: InputMaybe<Scalars["ID"]>

    The external ID of this thread. You can use this field to store your own unique identifier for this thread.

  • Optional labelTypeIds?: InputMaybe<Scalars["ID"][]>

    An array of label types to attach to the thread upon creation.

  • Optional priority?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The priority of the thread. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, from most to least urgent, defaults to 2 (normal).

  • title: Scalars["String"]

    The title of the thread.

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